In order to provide you with better services, please fill in the blanks as follow:
(* is required field, we promise that all your information will be kept private)
  • *last name: *
  • Middle name:
  • *first name: *
  • *Date of Birth:   *
  • *Mobile: *
  • *Driving License Number: *
  • *State: *
  • *Type of Driving License (A, B or C): *
  • *Case Number: *
  • *Accident Involved:
  • *Court Date: *
  • *Time extension requested:
  • *Attended traffic school in the past 18 months:
  • Number of points recorded in the last year: POINT
  • Points recorded in the past two years: POINT
  • Points recorded in the past three years: POINT
  • *Type of Violations: *
  • Fill in the blanks with violation details:
  • 2、
  • 3、
  • *Phone No. Of the Court: *
  • *Email of the Court: *
  • *Fax No. Of the Court: *
  • Name and Address of the Court:
  •  Your Wechat:
  •  Your QQ:
  • Your Email address:
  •  Where did you get the ticket? :
  •  When did you get the ticket?:
  •  Where did you get the info. of Sky Ticket? :
  • * Please give a brief statement of your case, the requirements are as follow:
    (1.at the scene, the conversation between you and the policemen. 2. Some questionable points in the case.)
  • UploadFile
    File support:.zip、.rar、.doc、.docx、.txt、.jpg;
    Please provide files as follows via e-mail or fax:
    1.A copy of the traffic ticket
    2.The Notice of the Court
    3.Detailed case statement (in Chinese or English), driving records of the past 3 years (can be obtained from the insurance company or DMV)
    or send : E-mail:skyticketusa@hotmail.com
  •  Verification Code: Change one
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Address: Zigong City, Sichuan Taifeng building 19 floor, Ziliujing District No. 10 Tel: QQ:22232591 15348110304 Web design: Black Feather